Throughout the next few months we will highlight Shallowford staff members in an effort to build community and educate our church family. This week we are excited to share the Reverend Bradley Kibler’s responses with the SPC community!
  • Staff: Rev. E. Bradley Kibler
  • Position: Associate Pastor for Youth & Programs
  • Start Date: August 2015

Q&A with Pastor Bradley

I am motivated to wake up and tackle each new day by a deep desire to build relationships, create space for connection, and be a faithful example of discipleship. 

No two weeks ever have the same agenda or schedule. Some days I’m zooming from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and other days, I’m making front yard visits with our youth. Some weeks I’m working hard to prepare a sermon and other weeks I’m going 24/7 on a youth trip! While some might loathe this unpredictability, I find that it keeps me motivated and energized.

On any given day, I could be:
  • Planning & organizing a retreat or summer trip
  • Away on one of the SIX trip offerings I coordinate
  • Working with our Connections Ministry to reach out to our members
  • Meeting with our Youth Leadership Team or Youth Committee to dream of upcoming events.
  • Brainstorming with the Programs Committee for our next Shally Eats location or specialty event
  • Working with youth as they prepare to lead worship
  • Meeting with church families for pastoral visits or check-ins.
  • Managing our Shally Steps Facebook group (Join us!)

This pandemic season has given all of us opportunities for growth, and I have been so inspired by our Shallowford family for their willingness to try new things! There have been so many meaningful projects for me: The COVID-19 Call Center turned Connections Ministry, the fully virtual 2020 Youth mission trip that used every ounce of creativity in my body, reuniting with college students virtually during their quarantine, leading in drive-in worship, getting my steps in with our Shally Steps Facebook group, the list goes on! 

When I’m growing, adapting and learning as a pastor, person, or friend, I experience joy in a palpable way.

Bradley recently purchased her first home! 

  • Bradley wants to know…

“What’s a program that you’ve seen somewhere else that you’d like us to try?”

Staff Visibility - Bradley